I have time for everything except to sleep

“There’s thus a lot of love and therefore a lot of respect between Sergio and me that there’s no room for a crisis, especially now that we tend to want to support every different,” he says.

The Law of Best Effort. It’s the golden rule that governs the career of Pilar Rubio, a lady who even when she sunbathes on the beach feels that she is “wasting time.” It was instilled in him at home. “As a kid, if we were doing multiplication in school, I was already doing square roots with my father.” And thus on till these days. “The solely manner to evolve is not to stay in the comfort zone,” he says. At 43, the hyperactive Pilar is divided between Paris, where she lives with Sergio Ramos and her four youngsters, and Madrid, where she works in tv, fashion, advertising … And now she conjointly publishes a book. The ‘superwoman’ manual? No. But it’s a guide for us poor mortals to discover how thus several sticks can be played while not dying within the attempt … He has titled it: ‘My technique to guide a healthy life’.

The book, in that the nutritionist Elisa Blázquez, the physiotherapist Caroline Correia and the non-public trainer Noe Todea also collaborate, includes from exercise tables to advice on a way to eat, and is meant for all girls, «from their fertile stage to postpartum , the climacteric or menopause, moments in which we tend to sometimes feel misunderstood ». Rubio preaches that you have got to require care of body and mind in the same proportion because they’re ‘hyper-connected’. And he warns: «We have a tendency to must banish the conception that coaching is suffering and dieting is horrible. No. Training is enjoying yourself, having a while to yourself. And eating healthy is wonderful, as a result of you have got a thousand choices. You only have to change the chip.

Within a few weeks of its publication, Pilar Rubio’s technique has already become the best seller on the Amazon platform among training and training publications. «I am not a ‘Midas queen’ who turns everything to gold, but in all the comes that I get concerned I offer one hundred p.c. In the end it shows and folks support the effort. I am pleased with the welcome I even have ». On top of all, as a result of the advantages obtained will visit children with butterfly skin, a disease that Rubio is extremely sensitized to. “I even have met many mothers whose children have this drawback and it’s terrible. The WHO defines it united of the most painful ailments that exist.

The five pillars of the Rubio method are “Rest, training, nutrition, physiological information and, on top of all, mind.” However there’s one that she will not fulfill as she would really like: sleeping eight hours. I can’t there. I just don’t grasp how to do it anymore, extremely. Eleven o’clock arrives and I still have some exercises in French or English to complete. And I get overwhelmed … In the tip I start to do things and sleep 3, four hours … »

– And that doesn’t hurt your matrimony?

–Noooo, because I have time for everything, except to sleep, ha, ha, ha … Some days I dedicate myself more to one thing than another, but I attempt not to neglect any of my facets.

Behind this lack of sleep also are his four children: Sergio, seven years recent, Marco, six years recent, Alejandro, 3 years previous, and Máximo Adriano, only one year old … «I try to do with them what my father used to try to to with me , however I go very little by very little, in a very subtle method therefore that they do not notice that pressure. I advice them: Go on, guys, if you already grasp how to feature! Well, let’s have a look at if we have a tendency to currently take something away and this is often referred to as subtracting ». However, above all, the teacher Pilar Ramos learns … «Thanks to them I even have learned a lot of to listen than to speak, as a result of I already recognize my life but what others have to tell me enriches me».

These days the talk has been his supposed new friendship with Antonela Rocuzzo, Leo Messi’s wife. And it is that the wife of the previous captain of Barça which of the previous captain of Madrid have begun to follow each different on the networks … However, the Torrejón will not wish to go into details. “I have continually thought that a team could be a nice family and as such we have a tendency to all support and respect every alternative. Our kids finally participate in birthdays and there is a terribly good tune ».

Nor will Pilar need to hear regarding the recent rumors concerning a relationship crisis with Ramos, burdened by an injury that has kept him nearly five months while not taking part in for his new team, PSG. «Crisis in my wedding, they are saying? The first news I actually have … But obviously it’s not like that, there is so a lot of love and therefore much respect, that this stuff do not fit and less in times when we need to support each alternative abundant more. The changes have been changes for everyone and a united family is a lot of stronger. That at least is what Sergio and I both suppose ».

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